Proposed changes to Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Environmental Plan 2011
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This consultation has now concluded.
Council has prepared a Planning Proposal to amend Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Environmental Plan 2011.
The intended outcomes of this proposal are to address seven (7) minor issues in the Local Environmental Plan text and maps, and to make refinements and adjustments to correct these issues.
The amendments relate to the following issues and land parcels:
Clause 4.1 Minimum subdivision lot size - Insertion of an additional subclause to clarify that the area of any 'battle-axe' access to the lot is not to be included in determining the minimum lot size.
Land Use Table –Industrial retail outlets proposed to be allowed with consent in certain land use zones; and to be prohibited in B2 (Local Centre) zone.
Lot 10 DP 1232850 (14 Misty Vale Way) & Lot 1 DP 1244311 (1497 Pappinbarra Road) Hollisdale – correction to Lot Size map: applying a minimum lot size of 100ha.
Lot 1 DP 745953 and part Lot 50 DP 1139289 (Bain Park) Wauchope – adjustment of boundaries - affects Land Zoning map, Floor Space Ratio map and Heritage map. Associated update (also affecting Lot 7032 DP1039811) to item name and property description for existing Heritage Item (Memorial Gates) in Schedule 5 (Environmental heritage) of the LEP.
Land Reservation Acquisition map - updating map to remove identification for land at Lots 69 & 70 DP 219719, Lot 27 DP 221558, Lots 67 & 68 DP 754451, Lots 56 & 57 DP 219719 on the North Shore now acquired by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and by Council.
Lot 31 DP 0835708 (24 Yaluma Drive) Port Macquarie – rezone land from E3 (Environmental Management) to R1 (General Residential) - affects Land Zoning map, Lot Size map, Floor Space Ratio map.
Lot 22 DP DP1229697 and Nos 19 - 31 Diamond Drive, Port Macquarie – adjustment of boundaries - affects Land Zoning map, Lot Size map, Floor Space Ratio map and Height of Buildings map; cadastre updates for Flood, Heritage and Koala Habitat maps.
Public Exhibition
The proposal will be on public exhibition from 22 August until 5 September, and will be available to view at Council’s Port Macquarie (17 Burrawan Street), Wauchope (49 High Street) and Laurieton (9 Laurie Street) offices from 8.30am – 4.30pm, and online – see details below.
During this time, Council is inviting all interested persons to view the Planning Proposal and provide written comments. All comments received will be reported to a meeting of Council for consideration prior to finalising the proposal. Please note that any submission may be made public. Anyone who makes a submission (or has a financial interest in the submission) is required by law to disclose any political donations and gifts (if any) made.
Have Your Say
Written submissions in relation to the proposal are invited up until 5pm, 5 September 2018.
Council has been authorised as Local Plan-Making Authority to make a final decision in relation to the Planning Proposal.
You can make a submission by:
completing the survey under the Submission tab below
The General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Note: Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to request this in writing.
If you have any further queries, please contact Stephanie Baker on (02) 6581 8056 or email to and reference PP2014 – 9.1
Council has prepared a Planning Proposal to amend Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Environmental Plan 2011.
The intended outcomes of this proposal are to address seven (7) minor issues in the Local Environmental Plan text and maps, and to make refinements and adjustments to correct these issues.
The amendments relate to the following issues and land parcels:
Clause 4.1 Minimum subdivision lot size - Insertion of an additional subclause to clarify that the area of any 'battle-axe' access to the lot is not to be included in determining the minimum lot size.
Land Use Table –Industrial retail outlets proposed to be allowed with consent in certain land use zones; and to be prohibited in B2 (Local Centre) zone.
Lot 10 DP 1232850 (14 Misty Vale Way) & Lot 1 DP 1244311 (1497 Pappinbarra Road) Hollisdale – correction to Lot Size map: applying a minimum lot size of 100ha.
Lot 1 DP 745953 and part Lot 50 DP 1139289 (Bain Park) Wauchope – adjustment of boundaries - affects Land Zoning map, Floor Space Ratio map and Heritage map. Associated update (also affecting Lot 7032 DP1039811) to item name and property description for existing Heritage Item (Memorial Gates) in Schedule 5 (Environmental heritage) of the LEP.
Land Reservation Acquisition map - updating map to remove identification for land at Lots 69 & 70 DP 219719, Lot 27 DP 221558, Lots 67 & 68 DP 754451, Lots 56 & 57 DP 219719 on the North Shore now acquired by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and by Council.
Lot 31 DP 0835708 (24 Yaluma Drive) Port Macquarie – rezone land from E3 (Environmental Management) to R1 (General Residential) - affects Land Zoning map, Lot Size map, Floor Space Ratio map.
Lot 22 DP DP1229697 and Nos 19 - 31 Diamond Drive, Port Macquarie – adjustment of boundaries - affects Land Zoning map, Lot Size map, Floor Space Ratio map and Height of Buildings map; cadastre updates for Flood, Heritage and Koala Habitat maps.
Public Exhibition
The proposal will be on public exhibition from 22 August until 5 September, and will be available to view at Council’s Port Macquarie (17 Burrawan Street), Wauchope (49 High Street) and Laurieton (9 Laurie Street) offices from 8.30am – 4.30pm, and online – see details below.
During this time, Council is inviting all interested persons to view the Planning Proposal and provide written comments. All comments received will be reported to a meeting of Council for consideration prior to finalising the proposal. Please note that any submission may be made public. Anyone who makes a submission (or has a financial interest in the submission) is required by law to disclose any political donations and gifts (if any) made.
Have Your Say
Written submissions in relation to the proposal are invited up until 5pm, 5 September 2018.
Council has been authorised as Local Plan-Making Authority to make a final decision in relation to the Planning Proposal.
You can make a submission by:
completing the survey under the Submission tab below
The General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Note: Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to request this in writing.
If you have any further queries, please contact Stephanie Baker on (02) 6581 8056 or email to and reference PP2014 – 9.1
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Proposed changes to Local Environmental Plan 2011 Submissions