Business Rating Model Review
Consultation has concluded
We're undertaking a detailed independent review of our current business rating model, including the Town Centre Master Plan (TCMP) component of the Port Macquarie CBD business rate.
The review will include an assessment of historical TCMP processes and management structures, and comprehensive engagement with the community and stakeholders. The review will provide recommendations for the funding options and rating structures for future development and maintenance of the Port Macquarie CBD and potentially other business centres across our region (e.g. Wauchope, Laurieton).
Since 1993, following collaboration between Council and commercial property owners who had expressed a desire to revitalise the Port Macquarie CBD, property owners within the Port Macquarie CBD have paid a “Business Port Macquarie CBD” rate. A component of this rate is allocated to streetscape, landscaping and beautification works within the Port Macquarie Town Centre.
In 1994, the Town Centre Master Plan (TCMP) Sub-Committee was formed to assist in continuing to develop the Port Macquarie Town Centre Master Plan. The objective of this sub-committee is to support Council with proposing works priorities, making recommendations regarding the development, review and amendment of the Master Plan and acting as a communication conduit between Council and CBD stakeholders advocating the Master Plan to the community.
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has worked with the TCMP Committee to revitalise the CBD using money raised from the levy, grants and other funding since that time. Since the establishment of the TCMP, total works funded, capital and refurbishment, as well as maintenance and operational activities, have been in excess of $15 million.
Since February 2019 the Town Centre Master Plan Reserve has funded the following works
- Installation of shade structures in Town Square to accommodate outdoor dining, events and general public use.
- Completion of Kooloonbung Creek Stage 1 Upgrade from Gordon to Hayward Streets.
- A detailed cleaning service including all pavements and furniture within the Town Centre.
- Funding of street sweeping and footpath cleaning/sealing program.
- Pavement upgrade in front of the new amenities building on Short Street.
- Street furniture reconditioning.
- Town Centre banners.
- Landscape maintenance and upgrades
How to get involved
Whether you're a business owner, commercial property or resident, we'd love to hear your thoughts!
Take our online survey below to share your feedback.
Consultation closes Sunday 16 October 2022.