Pioneer Park Upgrade

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Thank you for your interest in this project. The consultation has now concluded.

Westport Park Boat Ramp

Project Outcome

In consultation with the Comboyne Community we have developed a concept plan to upgrade Pioneer Park. This was an action identified as part Council’s Comboyne and Byabarra Community plan.

Review the final concept plan and engagement report in the tabs. 

Main elements of design include:

  • New accessible combined BBQ and picnic shelter with access path
  • Tree plantings to screen view to neighbours/buildings to north of site
  • Additional small play equipment items to playground to provide extra play value for younger children using the park
  • Accessible ‘Nature walk’ loop connected to park entry off Hill Street

Consultation Process

Share your thoughts on the draft concept plan for the upgraded park. Lets create a great community place together!

A key objective identified in the Council's Comboyne and Byabarra Community Plan, is to improve public spaces for community to gather and connect.

This draft concept for the upgrade of Pioneer Park was developed from Objective 2.1 Action 2 of the Community Plan to create a concept design to upgrade Pioneer Park including; park equipment, BBQ, Sculptures and Comboyne Native Plants. 

We’ve heard that the community would like to:

  • Improve the facilities and active spaces
  • Sit, stay and relax
  • Enjoy green spaces and nature
  • Create a fun and inviting park for everyone to enjoy.

Get involved
There are a number of ways for you to provide your feedback:

  • View the draft concept plan
  • Take our online survey
  • Email with your thoughts
  • Pick up a copy of the concept plan and feedback form at the Comboyne Community Centre and drop your feedback in the collection box provided.

Consultation opens from Tuesday 13 July and closes Sunday 8 August 2021 with construction expected to start by December 2021.

This project builds on Council’s commitment to provide a large range of outdoor recreational spaces for our residents
$100,000 in funding for this project has been provided by the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

Project Outcome

In consultation with the Comboyne Community we have developed a concept plan to upgrade Pioneer Park. This was an action identified as part Council’s Comboyne and Byabarra Community plan.

Review the final concept plan and engagement report in the tabs. 

Main elements of design include:

  • New accessible combined BBQ and picnic shelter with access path
  • Tree plantings to screen view to neighbours/buildings to north of site
  • Additional small play equipment items to playground to provide extra play value for younger children using the park
  • Accessible ‘Nature walk’ loop connected to park entry off Hill Street

Consultation Process

Share your thoughts on the draft concept plan for the upgraded park. Lets create a great community place together!

A key objective identified in the Council's Comboyne and Byabarra Community Plan, is to improve public spaces for community to gather and connect.

This draft concept for the upgrade of Pioneer Park was developed from Objective 2.1 Action 2 of the Community Plan to create a concept design to upgrade Pioneer Park including; park equipment, BBQ, Sculptures and Comboyne Native Plants. 

We’ve heard that the community would like to:

  • Improve the facilities and active spaces
  • Sit, stay and relax
  • Enjoy green spaces and nature
  • Create a fun and inviting park for everyone to enjoy.

Get involved
There are a number of ways for you to provide your feedback:

  • View the draft concept plan
  • Take our online survey
  • Email with your thoughts
  • Pick up a copy of the concept plan and feedback form at the Comboyne Community Centre and drop your feedback in the collection box provided.

Consultation opens from Tuesday 13 July and closes Sunday 8 August 2021 with construction expected to start by December 2021.

This project builds on Council’s commitment to provide a large range of outdoor recreational spaces for our residents
$100,000 in funding for this project has been provided by the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.