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Consultation has concluded
Rocks Ferry Reserve Playground in Wauchope has been included in the 2019 - 2020 Operational Plan for a $102,500 upgrade this financial year.
The proposed upgrade for this playground is to include additional play elements, footpath connections, bubbler and planting, along with an upgrade to the existing swing and embankment slide.
Please review these documents and provide feedback using the survey form below.
We would love your thoughts on the proposed equipment for this new upgraded play area. Submissions close on March 29th.
Rocks Ferry Reserve Playground in Wauchope has been included in the 2019 - 2020 Operational Plan for a $102,500 upgrade this financial year.
The proposed upgrade for this playground is to include additional play elements, footpath connections, bubbler and planting, along with an upgrade to the existing swing and embankment slide.