Airport Business Park Planning Proposal and Draft Development Controls
Consultation has concluded
Council has prepared a Planning Proposal that aims to support future development of the Port Macquarie Airport precinct through the introduction of appropriate zones and development controls and identify land that has been biodiversity certified.
Planning Proposal
In summary the Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Environmental Plan 2011 to:
- reshape and expand the existing B7 Business Park zone on Council owned land on the eastern side of Boundary Street at the Port Macquarie Airport
- rezone the majority of the current B7 Business Park zone on the western side of Boundary Street to SP2 Infrastructure (Air transport facility)
- apply building height and minimum lot size standards to the Newman Senior Technical College, which is within the existing B7 Business Park zone on the western side of Boundary Street
- rezone Council’s Airport and adjoining Thrumster lands to reflect the biodiversity certification assessment outcomes for the area approved by the NSW Minister for the Environment on 7 September 2018, and
- identify all land in the Local Government Area that has been biodiversity certified.
Draft Development Controls
In recognition that the proposed Business Park is located on a key gateway entry to Port Macquarie, Council also proposes to introduce development controls to guide future development of the Business Park with the aim of facilitating higher amenity office and commercial uses. The draft controls relate to matters such as streetscape and building form, building setbacks, landform, vehicle access, landscaping, signage and the like.
Statement of Council’s interest
The NSW Department of Planning prepared the ‘Best Practice Guideline LEPs and Council Land’ in January 1997. The Guideline outlines the information that must be publicly exhibited with any Planning Proposal relating to a rezoning of Council land. The aim is to make clear Council’s interest in the land and the reasons why a Planning Proposal is being prepared.
The Best Practice Guideline is required to be publicly exhibited with the Planning Proposal and a copy is included with this exhibition. By exhibiting a copy of the Guideline, the public are able to understand why this information has been exhibited and check that all relevant information has been made available.
In accordance with the Best Practice Guideline, a statement of Council’s interest in the land is provided in the Statement of Council’s interest document.
Public Exhibition
The Planning Proposal and draft development controls are on public exhibition from 29 January to 26 February 2020 and can be downloaded from the document library to the right (or below if viewing this page on a mobile device) and are available for viewing at Council’s offices and libraries during normal business hours.
During the exhibition, all interested persons are invited to view the documents and provide written comments. All comments received will be reported to a future Council Meeting for consideration.
Please note that any submission may be made public. Contact details remain confidential; however please advise if you would like your name to remain confidential too.
If you lodge a submission and have made a political donation or provided a gift to a Councillor or Council employee in the last two years, you need to declare this. Refer to Council’s website for details on how to make a Political Donations and Gift Disclosure Statement.
Have your say
Online written submissions in relation to the proposal are invited up until 5pm, 26 February 2020 by completing the survey under the Submission tab below or by sending us your written comments by
Email to: or
Post to:
The General Manager
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
You don’t need to write your comments in any particular stylet, as long as you tell us what you think. Please quote Council’s reference PP2015 - 3.1 in your submission.
Any questions, contact Sandra Bush by email or telephone (02) 6581 8025.