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This consultation has now concluded
Council implemented the Waste Strategy (Strategy) 2017 - 2024 in 2017 to provide a framework for all of Council’s waste and resource management activities over an eight (8) year period. This Strategy aligns with the NSW Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2014 - 2021.
One of the key actions from the Strategy is to incorporate waste management considerations into the development assessment process in order to increase waste diversion from landfill and promote effective waste management principles. At Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Ordinary Council Meeting held on the 20th November 2019, Council resolved to place the Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Policy on public exhibition.
The primary objectives of this Policy are:
to reduce waste to landfill
to maximise source separation of general waste, recycling and food and garden organics
to establish standard provisions for determining waste management requirements in developments
to embed sustainable and effective waste management practices at events
to ensure developments are designed with adequate storage, access and management of waste
The draft Policy will be available for comment fromWednesday, 27th November 2019 to Friday, 31st January 2020.During that time, the document can bedownloadedfrom the Document Library (to the right or below if viewing this page on a mobile device) and copies will be made available at the Wauchope, Laurieton and Port Macquarie libraries and Council Customer Service Centres.
Please share your thoughts with us on the draft Policy by:
Posting your response to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444.
Further details may be obtained by contacting Ashley Grummitt, Group Manager Commercial Business Units, on (02) 6581 8111 or by email at
Council implemented the Waste Strategy (Strategy) 2017 - 2024 in 2017 to provide a framework for all of Council’s waste and resource management activities over an eight (8) year period. This Strategy aligns with the NSW Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2014 - 2021.
One of the key actions from the Strategy is to incorporate waste management considerations into the development assessment process in order to increase waste diversion from landfill and promote effective waste management principles. At Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Ordinary Council Meeting held on the 20th November 2019, Council resolved to place the Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Policy on public exhibition.
The primary objectives of this Policy are:
to reduce waste to landfill
to maximise source separation of general waste, recycling and food and garden organics
to establish standard provisions for determining waste management requirements in developments
to embed sustainable and effective waste management practices at events
to ensure developments are designed with adequate storage, access and management of waste
The draft Policy will be available for comment fromWednesday, 27th November 2019 to Friday, 31st January 2020.During that time, the document can bedownloadedfrom the Document Library (to the right or below if viewing this page on a mobile device) and copies will be made available at the Wauchope, Laurieton and Port Macquarie libraries and Council Customer Service Centres.
Please share your thoughts with us on the draft Policy by:
Posting your response to Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444.
Further details may be obtained by contacting Ashley Grummitt, Group Manager Commercial Business Units, on (02) 6581 8111 or by email at
Writing a
submission is one way of sharing your views and opinions with Council. All
submissions are considered before making a decision and your submission may be
included in a report to Council. Submissions close end of business Friday, 31st January 2020.
Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you
wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to
request this in writing.
This consultation has now concluded
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