22 July 2019
Community engagement period begins
13 August 2019
Pop-up at Port Central 11am - 1pm
Join us at our pop-up to have your say about the site for a new Aquatic Facility. Council staff will be on hand to answer your questions.
14 August 2019
Pop-Up at Port Macquarie Pool 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Join us at our pop-up and have your say about the site for a new Aquatic Facility. Council staff will be on hand to answer you questions.
15 August 2019
Pop-Up at Settlement City 1pm - 3pm
Join us at our pop-up and have your say about the site for a new Aquatic Facility. Council staff will be on hand to answer you questions.
01 September 2019
Submissions close for site selection
18 September 2019
Site for new Aquatic Facility confirmed
Following the end of the engagement period, a report will be tabled at the September Council meeting recommending the site to be selected.