Thank you for your interest in this project. This consultation has now concluded.
Following a review of Council Policies, the policies listed below have been recommended for rescission or amendment.
Policy for Rescission: Lobbying Policy
The current Lobbying Policy was adopted at the July 2012 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
This policy was developed in recognition that appropriate lobbying in local government is common, normal and part of the democratic process. It is an acceptable feature of the relationship between citizens and Council officials.
The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) publication Lobbying local government councillors – A guide for councillors, constituents and other interested parties (August 2006) provides guidance on lobbying. The current Lobbying Policy reproduced and referenced this guide.
Council proposes to rescind the Lobbying Policy and replace with the ICAC guide to be placed on Council’s website and made available internally to staff.
Policy for Amendment: Provision of Information between Councillors and Staff
The current Provision of Infomation between Councillors and Staff Policy was adopted at the July 2012 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
This Policy establishes the principles by which Councillors may access information and interact with staff in order to undertake their civic office functions, whilst facilitating a positive working relationship between Councillors and staff and provides guidance to both Councillors and staff on these principles.
The review has resulted in amendments to the policy as contained in the below table.
| Reason for Amendment
2.1.1 Councillor Access to Information - additional text
| To provide clarification of when an informal GIPA application must be lodged
2.2.3 During Meetings – additional text
| To reflect subcommittee, advisory group and portfolio meetings
| Councillor Access to Information Register – removal of text
| To support a more practical approach to information request record keeping
Amendments of an administrative nature
| - use of the new policy template
- review of policy wording to meet ‘plain English’ requirements, where appropriate.
- updates to staff position titles.
- expansion of definitions
Before making a changes to a policy it needs to be placed on exhibition so the community can have their say on this decision.
You can have a look at all of these policies located in the Document Library on the right.
To share your views about rescinding or amending the old policies use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:
Post: The General Manager
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
For more information contact Blair Hancock on (02) 6581 8111
Following a review of Council Policies, the policies listed below have been recommended for rescission or amendment.
Policy for Rescission: Lobbying Policy
The current Lobbying Policy was adopted at the July 2012 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
This policy was developed in recognition that appropriate lobbying in local government is common, normal and part of the democratic process. It is an acceptable feature of the relationship between citizens and Council officials.
The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) publication Lobbying local government councillors – A guide for councillors, constituents and other interested parties (August 2006) provides guidance on lobbying. The current Lobbying Policy reproduced and referenced this guide.
Council proposes to rescind the Lobbying Policy and replace with the ICAC guide to be placed on Council’s website and made available internally to staff.
Policy for Amendment: Provision of Information between Councillors and Staff
The current Provision of Infomation between Councillors and Staff Policy was adopted at the July 2012 Ordinary Meeting of Council.
This Policy establishes the principles by which Councillors may access information and interact with staff in order to undertake their civic office functions, whilst facilitating a positive working relationship between Councillors and staff and provides guidance to both Councillors and staff on these principles.
The review has resulted in amendments to the policy as contained in the below table.
| Reason for Amendment
2.1.1 Councillor Access to Information - additional text
| To provide clarification of when an informal GIPA application must be lodged
2.2.3 During Meetings – additional text
| To reflect subcommittee, advisory group and portfolio meetings
| Councillor Access to Information Register – removal of text
| To support a more practical approach to information request record keeping
Amendments of an administrative nature
| - use of the new policy template
- review of policy wording to meet ‘plain English’ requirements, where appropriate.
- updates to staff position titles.
- expansion of definitions
Before making a changes to a policy it needs to be placed on exhibition so the community can have their say on this decision.
You can have a look at all of these policies located in the Document Library on the right.
To share your views about rescinding or amending the old policies use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:
Post: The General Manager
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
For more information contact Blair Hancock on (02) 6581 8111