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Thankyou for your interest in this project. This consultation has now concluded. Consultation has concluded
Following a review of Council Policies, the policies contained in the below table have been recommended for rescission because they are out of date or the content is covered in other Council policies.
Following a review of all procurement policies and procedures, a report was presented to the Audit Committee at its meeting on 14 February 2013. At that meeting the Audit Committee endorsed the recommendation to rescind the Calling of Quotations / Tenders for Contractors Policy. Due to an administrative oversight this policy was never formally rescinded by Council. The policy was recommended for rescission as the content was contained in other procurement documents being: a) Procurement Policy b) Statement of Business Ethics Policy c) Tendering Procedure d) Purchasing Procedure e) Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure f) Engagement of Consultants Procedure.
Upon reviewing the Policy, it has been ascertained that the Policy does not provide any additional guidance to Councillors on how to achieve good governance that is not already contained in other Council documents, including the Code of Conduct and various Council policies. Therefore, it is recommended that the policy be rescinded to eliminate confusion and repetition.
This Procedure was superseded in 2013 by a new Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure but due to an administrative oversight this policy was never formally rescinded by Council. Following a review of all procurement policies and procedures, a report was presented to the Audit Committee at its meeting on 14 February 2013. At that meeting the Audit Committee endorsed the recommendation to change the Purchase Card Policy to a Purchase Card Procedure. A report was subsequently presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 15 May 2013 to adopt the new Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure and to rescind the Purchase Card Policy. While the new Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure was intended to supersede and replace the Use of a Purchase Card and/or Corporate Card Procedure at that time, the recommendation to rescind the Use of a Purchase Card and/or Corporate Card Procedure was omitted from the 15 May 2013 Council report. The Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure forms part of the ongoing scheduled review of existing policies and procedures.
This Policy has been reviewed and no longer offers any true value. Reporting requirements are included in Council’s standard community lease template along with other essential lease clauses that are not covered by the Policy.
This Policy has been reviewed and is now considered to be not necessary as the use of plaques or procedures for the opening of new infrastructure is effectively managed on a case by case basis, in consultation with the Mayor, and in accordance with any funding agreement requirements. It is proposed that the Policy be rescinded and current practice continue, with the relevant action area/asset owner and the Communications team coordinating the method to mark special occasions, as agreed with the Mayor. As such it is recommended that the Policy be rescinded.
Before making a policy obsolete it needs to be placed on exhibition so the community can have their say on this decision.
You can have a look at all of these policies located in the Document Library on the right.
To share your views about rescinding the old policy use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:
Post: The General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444
For more information contact Blair Hancock on (02) 6581 8111
Following a review of Council Policies, the policies contained in the below table have been recommended for rescission because they are out of date or the content is covered in other Council policies.
Following a review of all procurement policies and procedures, a report was presented to the Audit Committee at its meeting on 14 February 2013. At that meeting the Audit Committee endorsed the recommendation to rescind the Calling of Quotations / Tenders for Contractors Policy. Due to an administrative oversight this policy was never formally rescinded by Council. The policy was recommended for rescission as the content was contained in other procurement documents being: a) Procurement Policy b) Statement of Business Ethics Policy c) Tendering Procedure d) Purchasing Procedure e) Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure f) Engagement of Consultants Procedure.
Upon reviewing the Policy, it has been ascertained that the Policy does not provide any additional guidance to Councillors on how to achieve good governance that is not already contained in other Council documents, including the Code of Conduct and various Council policies. Therefore, it is recommended that the policy be rescinded to eliminate confusion and repetition.
This Procedure was superseded in 2013 by a new Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure but due to an administrative oversight this policy was never formally rescinded by Council. Following a review of all procurement policies and procedures, a report was presented to the Audit Committee at its meeting on 14 February 2013. At that meeting the Audit Committee endorsed the recommendation to change the Purchase Card Policy to a Purchase Card Procedure. A report was subsequently presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 15 May 2013 to adopt the new Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure and to rescind the Purchase Card Policy. While the new Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure was intended to supersede and replace the Use of a Purchase Card and/or Corporate Card Procedure at that time, the recommendation to rescind the Use of a Purchase Card and/or Corporate Card Procedure was omitted from the 15 May 2013 Council report. The Purchase Card (P-Card) Procedure forms part of the ongoing scheduled review of existing policies and procedures.
This Policy has been reviewed and no longer offers any true value. Reporting requirements are included in Council’s standard community lease template along with other essential lease clauses that are not covered by the Policy.
This Policy has been reviewed and is now considered to be not necessary as the use of plaques or procedures for the opening of new infrastructure is effectively managed on a case by case basis, in consultation with the Mayor, and in accordance with any funding agreement requirements. It is proposed that the Policy be rescinded and current practice continue, with the relevant action area/asset owner and the Communications team coordinating the method to mark special occasions, as agreed with the Mayor. As such it is recommended that the Policy be rescinded.
Before making a policy obsolete it needs to be placed on exhibition so the community can have their say on this decision.
You can have a look at all of these policies located in the Document Library on the right.
To share your views about rescinding the old policy use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:
Writing a submission is one way of sharing your views and opinions with
Council. All submissions are considered before making a decision and your
submission may be included in a report to Council. Submissions close
25 July 2017.
Note: Information collected via
submissions and petitions is public information, this information may form part
of Council reports or made public in their entirety subject to the provisions
of the Local Government Act 1993 or the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA
Act). You may request, in writing, that Council suppress the
personal information in your submission from public release, if you consider
that the personal safety of any person would be affected if the information was
not suppressed. Any such request will be dealt with in accordance with the GIPA Act and the Privacy
and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
Requests to suppress
information other than personal information are to be made in writing and will
be considered by Council.
information collected via submissions or petitions is considered personal
information for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information
Protection Act 1998 (PPIPA). Information provided will only be used for
the purpose for which it is collected. The information will be held by Council.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required
Thankyou for your interest in this project. This consultation has now concluded. Consultation has concluded
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Rescission of Council Policies has finished this stage
Consultation is Open for contributions 28 June 2017
Rescission of Council Policies has finished this stage
This consultation is Open for contributions.
Submissions Closed
Rescission of Council Policies has finished this stage
Consultation is Closed to contributions 25 July 2017
Under Review
Rescission of Council Policies is currently at this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Under Review
Rescission of Council Policies has finished this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Rescission of Council Policies
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Rescission of Council Policies
Following review of submissions, a report will
be presented to the Councillors at an upcoming Council meeting. This will
include a summary of all submissions collected and recommendations for Council