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Thank you for your interest in this project. Consultation has now closed.
Exciting New Upgraded Playground at Town Beach
The Town Beach Playground, adjacent to the Town Beach skate park, has been included in the 2019 - 2020 Operational Plan for a $415,000 upgrade this financial year.
Initial community consultation for this playground took place in December 2018 with a variety of themes and ideas discussed during this stage.
Our design team have further developed these ideas into a concept plan, which is now available for final community comment.
Please review the plan and examples of play equipment in our document library (to the right). We would love your thoughts on the proposed design for this exciting new upgraded play area.
You can also visit our Project Team on site at the Town Beach Playground to view the concept design and give your feedback.
Visit the pop up information stall between:
10am to 12noon Thursday 10 October
3pm to 4.30pm Monday 14 October
Submissions close Friday 8th November 2019
Exciting New Upgraded Playground at Town Beach
The Town Beach Playground, adjacent to the Town Beach skate park, has been included in the 2019 - 2020 Operational Plan for a $415,000 upgrade this financial year.
Initial community consultation for this playground took place in December 2018 with a variety of themes and ideas discussed during this stage.
Our design team have further developed these ideas into a concept plan, which is now available for final community comment.
Please review the plan and examples of play equipment in our document library (to the right). We would love your thoughts on the proposed design for this exciting new upgraded play area.
You can also visit our Project Team on site at the Town Beach Playground to view the concept design and give your feedback.
Thank you to the community for the ideas you gave us in
the first round of community engagement. Council has now developed a
concept plan and we are asking for your feedback for the second (and final) round
of community engagement.
To share your views please complete the survey below.
Privacy Notification: Information contained in
submissions and petitions, including your name, address and contact
information, may be made public by exhibition on Councils website , inclusion
in Council reports and publicly accessible register. In limited circumstances,
you may apply in writing for suppression of your personal information from a
publicly accessible register. Submissions and petitions are subject to the
provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Further
information on how Council handles personal information can be found in
our Privacy
Statement located on Council’s website.
Thank you for your interest in this project. Consultation has now closed.
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Town Beach Playground Upgrade has finished this stage
This consultation is Open for contributions.
Pop Up Information Stall - onsite Thursday 10 October
Town Beach Playground Upgrade has finished this stage
Visit the Project Team anytime between 10am to 12noon Thursday 10 October and share your feedback
Pop Up Information Stall - onsite Monday 14 October
Town Beach Playground Upgrade is currently at this stage
Visit the Project team anytime between 3pm to 4.30pm Monday 14 October and share your feedback.
this is an upcoming stage for Town Beach Playground Upgrade
Engagement closes on 8 November 2019.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for Town Beach Playground Upgrade
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Town Beach Playground Upgrade
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include an updated Final Design Plan.
Works commence
this is an upcoming stage for Town Beach Playground Upgrade
The Playground construction is expected to start in February and take several months (weather permitting). During this time the area will be fenced temporarily for the safety of workers and the public.
Other Ways to Have Your Say
To make a submission about the concept plan for the Town Beach playground upgrade, complete the survey from the 10 October; OR send an email to OR post your response to:
The General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444