Amendment to Schedule of Fees & Charges for 2016-2017
Consultation has concluded
The Schedule of Fees and Charges 2016/2017 did not include all of the fees. The missed fees need to be placed on exhibition before being added to the document.
Members of the public are invited to make a submission about the Proposed Amendment.
The following draft fees and charges (including GST) to be included are:
a) Environment: Issue of Clean Up, Prevention and Noise Control Notices - $520 (GST not applicable);
b) Burial - Lawn Cemetery - Innes Gardens: Grave Digging Fee - $1,400;
c) Burial - Lawn Cemetery - Innes Gardens: Grave Digging Fee - Double Depth Beams - 1st Interment - $1,850;
d) Burial - Lawn Cemetery - Innes Gardens: Grave Digging Fee - Child up to 12 years - $925;
e) Burial - All General Cemeteries: Port Macquarie General Digging Fee - $1,850;
f) Burial - All General Cemeteries: Grave Digging Fee - $1,400;
g) Burial - All General Cemeteries: Grave Digging Fee - Child up to 12 years - $925.
The following matters have highlighted the need for additional fees and charges:
“Looking after our People” - Compliance - Environment
Issue of Clean Up, Prevention and Noise Control Notices
This fee is a charge to cover the administrative costs of drawing up and serving a Clean Up, Prevention and Noise Control Notice, regulated by the Protection of the Environment Operations Act (General) Regulation 2009. The prescribed rate under this Act has changed to $520 (GST not applicable). Currently the Schedule of Fees and Charges displays this fee as $466. In order to comply with the Act it is recommended that the 2016-2017 Schedule of Fees and Charges is updated to reflect the current prescribed rate.
“Looking after our People” - Crematorium & Cemeteries
Grave Digging Services
These fees were omitted from the 2016-2017 Schedule of Fees and Charges as a result of ongoing discussions between Council and local Funeral Directors as to the most appropriate method for the delivery of these services.
Subsequent to the adoption and publication of the 2016-2017 Schedule of Fees and Charges, Council has continued to offer grave digging services as a service to local Funeral Directors for this current financial year.
Burial - Lawn Cemetery - Innes Gardens
- Grave Digging Fee ($1,400);
- Grave Digging Fee - Double Depth Beams - 1st Interment ($1,850);
- Grave Digging Fee - Child up to 12 years ($925).
Burial - All General Cemeteries
- Port Macquarie General Digging Fee ($1,850);
- Grave Digging Fee ($1,400);
- Grave Digging Fee - Child up to 12 years ($925).
You can have a look at the original Schedule of Fees & Charges for 2016-2017 (located in the document Library on the right).
Council is required to place on exhibition and publish proposed Fees and Charges in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. The amendments outlined above are proposed for administrative purposes only to ensure that Council’s published Schedule of Fees and Charges reflect current Council fees as required under the Local Government Act 1993.
To share your views about the Proposed Amendments use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:
Ashley Grummitt
Group Manager, Commercial & Business Services
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
All submissions must be received by close of business on Friday, 24th February 2017.
For more information contact Ashley Grummitt on (02) 6581 8677 or by email at