Port Macquarie Coastal Walk

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Thank you for your interest in this project. This consultation has now concluded

Kenny Walk

At the 16 August 2017 ordinary meeting Council resolved to place the draft Coastal Walk Master Plan on public exhibition until 10 October 2017.

The Coastal Walk is a 9km scenic walking trail that travels from Westport Park, through the Port Macquarie CBD to Tacking Point Lighthouse. It is an important and much loved asset for both visitors and the Port Macquarie-Hastings community.

For more information have a look at the Coastal Walk Master Plan.

The master plan was created based on input from Community Engagement conducted in June and July 2017 and aligns with other sections of the Coastal Walk that have already been planned and adopted by Council, including the Foreshore Walk, Town Beach and Tacking Point Master Plans.

Key upgrades to the Coastal Walk that are proposed in the draft plan include the widening and repaving of paths, implementation of ‘way-finding’ signage, installation of seating, repairs to steps and balustrades, new lookouts, new path connections and works to protect and regenerate native vegetation.

As part of the exhibition period for the draft master plan the community are being asked to provide their top 5 priorities out of the plan. This will guide prioritisation of initiatives for the development of an Implementation Plan to be presented to the October 2017 Council meeting.

The Proposal is on public exhibition from 23 August to 10 October 2017. During the exhibition, the document and supporting information are available on Council’s Have Your Say website and at Council's Libraries and offices.

Written submissions in relation to the proposal are invited up until 5pm on 10 October 2017. All submissions received will be reported to a meeting of Council before a final decision is made.

Any further enquiries, please contact Council on 6581 8111 or council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au

At the 16 August 2017 ordinary meeting Council resolved to place the draft Coastal Walk Master Plan on public exhibition until 10 October 2017.

The Coastal Walk is a 9km scenic walking trail that travels from Westport Park, through the Port Macquarie CBD to Tacking Point Lighthouse. It is an important and much loved asset for both visitors and the Port Macquarie-Hastings community.

For more information have a look at the Coastal Walk Master Plan.

The master plan was created based on input from Community Engagement conducted in June and July 2017 and aligns with other sections of the Coastal Walk that have already been planned and adopted by Council, including the Foreshore Walk, Town Beach and Tacking Point Master Plans.

Key upgrades to the Coastal Walk that are proposed in the draft plan include the widening and repaving of paths, implementation of ‘way-finding’ signage, installation of seating, repairs to steps and balustrades, new lookouts, new path connections and works to protect and regenerate native vegetation.

As part of the exhibition period for the draft master plan the community are being asked to provide their top 5 priorities out of the plan. This will guide prioritisation of initiatives for the development of an Implementation Plan to be presented to the October 2017 Council meeting.

The Proposal is on public exhibition from 23 August to 10 October 2017. During the exhibition, the document and supporting information are available on Council’s Have Your Say website and at Council's Libraries and offices.

Written submissions in relation to the proposal are invited up until 5pm on 10 October 2017. All submissions received will be reported to a meeting of Council before a final decision is made.

Any further enquiries, please contact Council on 6581 8111 or council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are interested in your input about the Draft Coastal Walk Master Plan

    Completing a survey is one way of sharing your views and opinions with Council. All submissions are considered before making a decision and your submission may be included in a report to Council. Submissions close 10 October 2017.

    Note: Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to request this in writing. 

    Thank you for your interest in this project. This consultation has now concluded
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