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Business Community workshop registration

Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, invites you to join the Business Community workshop to help progress the development of the Think2050 Community Strategic Plan. By joining us for this workshop, we’ll share the draft vision, themes and aspirations and give you the opportunity to contribute your ideas on what actions are important to you and how we can ensure a thriving place by 2050.

During 2020-21, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has been working actively to hear all voices from our community to help shape and develop the Think 2050 Community Strategic Plan. The feedback from these Think 2050 engagement activities has been vast and contributed to the development of a draft Vision, themes and aspirations for the Plan. At this meeting we will share a snapshot of what we have heard so far.

The next stage of engagement is to test these with the community and then develop and determine the key actions and measures to deliver to these themes by 2050.   

The session will be held at the Glasshouse on Tuesday 2 March, 2021 at 5.30pm.

Please register by Tuesday, 23 February 2021.

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