What is a Community Strategic Plan?
The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is an overarching 30 year plan that is prepared by Council and the community based on community priorities. It enables Council to coordinate its funding priorities, activities and services.
A Community Strategic Plan, or CSP, sets out the long-term vision for communities across New South Wales. They show where a community wants to be in 30 years and are developed after wide consultation. Planning decisions are made based on what is contained in the CSP.
Although development is supported by councils, they are effectively community documents. The plan also responds to state, metropolitan and regional plans and priorities relevant to the Port Macquarie-Hastings region.
Groups responsible to implement the CSP include, where relevant, the local Council, the community, other government agencies and non-government organisations and partnerships between these groups.
Why do we need a Community Strategic Plan?
Under legislation, NSW Councils are required to develop a CSP so that council and community are working in the same direction.
Council’s four year Delivery Plan and annual Operational Plan flows from the CSP.
The Plan also provides a way for Council to be accountable to the community and the State Government by reporting annually on its implementation.
The Strategic Community Plan is not static. A full review is required every four years with a minor review every two years.
Who owns the Community Strategic Plan?
The Plan is owned by the whole community. Council is the custodian of the Plan on behalf of the community.
How will the Plan be developed?
The CSP is developed through consultation with our community. This work began in 2019 and will continue through until early 2021. Our Council team will be out in the community at public events, schools, meetings and forums.
Input from our community has also been gained through the creation of Community Plans; outcomes from other recent council consultations; state and regional plans; Australian Bureau of Statistics data; and consultation outcomes with various community networks and groups.
Whose responsibility is it to implement the plan?
The responsibility for making the long-term community vision a reality rests with us all. Council looks forward to working in close collaboration with our community, key partners and stakeholders in making our region an even better place to live, visit and invest.