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Consultation has concluded
Contaminated land has the potential to have significant economic, environmental, planning and legal implications. To limit the potential impacts on the community and the environment, the Draft Policy and Guidelines set out a best practice framework for council to follow when assessing and managing land contamination. Council manages land contamination in its roles as a planning authority, public land manager and as a regulatory authority.
The purpose of the Draft Contaminated Land Policy and Policy Guidelines is to ensure that appropriate assessment and management of contaminated land is undertaken in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Government Area. The Policy applies to all land in the PMHC local government area.
The Draft Policy and Guidelines are based on the NSW Planning Guidelines for managing contaminated land and have been developed with the assistance of the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) under the Contaminated Land Program with funding provided by the NSW Environment Trust. The Policy and Guidelines will provide a regionally consistent approach to contaminated land management.
Please note that if the proposed Draft Policy and Guidelines are adopted, council’s existing Contaminated Land Policy will be rescinded.
You can have a look at both of these policies and guidelines (located in the document Library on the right):
The old policy "Policy - Contaminated Land - adopted 2010" (to be rescinded).
The new draft policy "Draft Contaminated Land Policy" (to be adopted in 2017).
The new draft guidelines "Contaminated Land Policy Guidelines" (to be adopted in 2017).
To share your views about the new draft policy and new draft guidelines use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:
For more information contact Tim Atherton on (02) 6581 8111
Contaminated land has the potential to have significant economic, environmental, planning and legal implications. To limit the potential impacts on the community and the environment, the Draft Policy and Guidelines set out a best practice framework for council to follow when assessing and managing land contamination. Council manages land contamination in its roles as a planning authority, public land manager and as a regulatory authority.
The purpose of the Draft Contaminated Land Policy and Policy Guidelines is to ensure that appropriate assessment and management of contaminated land is undertaken in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Local Government Area. The Policy applies to all land in the PMHC local government area.
The Draft Policy and Guidelines are based on the NSW Planning Guidelines for managing contaminated land and have been developed with the assistance of the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) under the Contaminated Land Program with funding provided by the NSW Environment Trust. The Policy and Guidelines will provide a regionally consistent approach to contaminated land management.
Please note that if the proposed Draft Policy and Guidelines are adopted, council’s existing Contaminated Land Policy will be rescinded.
You can have a look at both of these policies and guidelines (located in the document Library on the right):
The old policy "Policy - Contaminated Land - adopted 2010" (to be rescinded).
The new draft policy "Draft Contaminated Land Policy" (to be adopted in 2017).
The new draft guidelines "Contaminated Land Policy Guidelines" (to be adopted in 2017).
To share your views about the new draft policy and new draft guidelines use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:
Writing a
submission is one way of sharing your views and opinions with Council. All
submissions are considered before making a decision and your submission may be
included in a report to Council. Submissions close 16 March 2017.
Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you
wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to
request this in writing.
Consultation has concluded
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