Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-25
Consultation has concluded
We are updating our Disability Inclusion Action Plan for 2022-2025 and we are asking for your input.
Our Disability Inclusion Action Plan talks about what we want to do to make Port Macquarie-Hastings more accessible and inclusive.
- When something is accessible, everyone can use it.
- When something is inclusive, everyone can take part.
- We want your help to update our Plan.
We want to hear from people with a disability, support people, service providers and any other interested parties.
We want to know what things in our Region are hard to do and what things are easy to do, and what we can do to help.
Ways to get involved:
Read the FAQ's
Complete the online survey below
Download the Easy to Read (fillable PDF)
Pick up a printed survey from your nearest Customer Service or Library Branch
Email your feedback to: community.inclusion@pmhc.nsw.gov.au
Talk to us on 6581 8111
We are requesting that any feedback be provided to us no later than 5pm Sunday 13 February 2022.