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Consultation has concluded
The draft Community Leasing and Licensing Policy and Procedure have been developed to provide a framework to ensure that Council has a transparent, equitable, consistent and thorough approach to the leasing and licensing of Council owned and Council managed Crown Land properties for community use, whilst maximising the benefit to the community.
Council aims to maximise the occupation and use of our community facilities, noting the increasing demand for premises for use by community groups. Council encourages tenancies to be shared between groups wherever possible. Groups are encouraged to be inclusive and to provide a range of services to the community, whilst meeting their obligations under the relevant legislation.
Many community groups are comprised of volunteers, are not for profit and provide valuable physical, cultural, social and intellectual services to the public. The Policy provides criteria for assessing lease and licence applications in recognition of these services and contributions towards the maintenance of public facilities.
The Policy will assist Council in determining the appropriate rent, fees and responsibilities for agreements whilst also providing transparency on terms and greater equity between similar types of tenancies.
Have Your Say
Submissions can be made by
reviewingthedraftPolicyandProcedure (available in the document library to the right or below if viewing this page on a mobile device) then completing the submission form below; or
posting your comments to: CEO Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444
All submissions must be received by close of business on Tuesday, 28 February 2023.
The draft Community Leasing and Licensing Policy and Procedure have been developed to provide a framework to ensure that Council has a transparent, equitable, consistent and thorough approach to the leasing and licensing of Council owned and Council managed Crown Land properties for community use, whilst maximising the benefit to the community.
Council aims to maximise the occupation and use of our community facilities, noting the increasing demand for premises for use by community groups. Council encourages tenancies to be shared between groups wherever possible. Groups are encouraged to be inclusive and to provide a range of services to the community, whilst meeting their obligations under the relevant legislation.
Many community groups are comprised of volunteers, are not for profit and provide valuable physical, cultural, social and intellectual services to the public. The Policy provides criteria for assessing lease and licence applications in recognition of these services and contributions towards the maintenance of public facilities.
The Policy will assist Council in determining the appropriate rent, fees and responsibilities for agreements whilst also providing transparency on terms and greater equity between similar types of tenancies.
Have Your Say
Submissions can be made by
reviewingthedraftPolicyandProcedure (available in the document library to the right or below if viewing this page on a mobile device) then completing the submission form below; or