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The IP&R framework allows NSW councils to draw their various plans together to understand how they interact and inform each other, benefiting from their efforts of planning holistically for the future.
Council is developing a comprehensive Community Engagement Strategy to meet all legislative requirements and enhance engagement practices. The Integrated Planning and Reporting Community Engagement sub-strategy will be a key component of this overarching approach, ensuring alignment and consistency across all engagement activities.
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You can download and view the Strategy to the right under the documents tab, or below if you are viewing on a mobile device.
The IP&R framework allows NSW councils to draw their various plans together to understand how they interact and inform each other, benefiting from their efforts of planning holistically for the future.
Council is developing a comprehensive Community Engagement Strategy to meet all legislative requirements and enhance engagement practices. The Integrated Planning and Reporting Community Engagement sub-strategy will be a key component of this overarching approach, ensuring alignment and consistency across all engagement activities.
Have Your Say
You can download and view the Strategy to the right under the documents tab, or below if you are viewing on a mobile device.