Draft Operational Plan 23/24
Consultation has concluded
$339.8 million! That’s the cost of all the projects, program and works we have planned for the 23/24 financial year. It’s a big to do list. It’s our Operational Plan.
Please let us know if we’ve got it right.
The draft Operational Plan 23/24 (the OP23/24) is our action plan for achieving the priorities that our community have identified, and that are outlined in Imagine2050, our Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The OP23/24 also helps us to achieve the commitments made in our four-year Delivery Program.
We have provided a fact sheet on the OP23/24 and on other key documents to help simplify the document and we encourage you to read these prior to providing feedback. We have also highlighted some of the top projects featured in the OP23/24.
You can take a deep dive in to the OP23/24 and the following draft documents, which are also included in this consultation.
Tuffins Lane
We have also included an additional question regarding Tuffins Lane Sporting Precinct - Drainage Improvements.
Detailed design of the drainage work at Tuffins Lane will cost approximately $200,000. This funding is not currently included in the draft Operational Plan 2023/24 as exhibited. Council would like to know if you think it should be, noting that the estimated total costs to construct the drainage works is $3.1 million.
More information about this item can be found in the Fact Sheet and Background Information documents.
How you can get involved
We want to hear your thoughts on these documents and whether they address your priorities for the coming financial year. Please complete the survey via the form below.
Feedback gathered through the exhibition period will be used to inform Council when finalising the OP23/24 and the suite of documents, which will be presented to Council for adoption in June 2023.
Submissions close Sunday 21 May, 2023.