Draft Procurement Policy

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Consultation has concluded

At the 16 May 2024 ordinary Council meeting, Council resolved to:

1. Publicly exhibit the draft Procurement Policy for a period of not less than 28 days including the addition of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Code of Conduct in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Policies, procedures, strategies, codes section of the draft Procurement Policy.

2. Note that a further report will be tabled at the July 2024 meeting of Council, detailing the submissions received from the public during the exhibition period.

The Procurement Policy is a key document of our Procurement Framework. A summary of this frameworks is as follows:

  • Procurement Strategy - This document is under review.
  • Procurement Policy
  • Procurement Rules
  • Procurement Procedures / workflows
  • Procurement Guidance documents, and
  • Procurement tools and templates.

The draft Procurement Policy is designed to streamline and enhance our procurement practices while ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability in all our procurement opportunities.

Key principles embedded within this policy include:

Principle 1: Be fair and ethical
Principle 2: Make it easy
Principle 3: Achieve best value
Principle 4: Collaborate for better outcomes, and
Principle 5: Promote strong governance

Have Your Say

You can provide your feedback on the Draft Procurement Policy by:

  • Completing the online survey; or
  • Emailing your feedback to council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au; or
  • Posting to:
    Chief Executive Officer
    Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
    PO Box 84
    Port Macquarie NSW 2444

All submissions must be received by close of business Tuesday 18 June 2024.

At the 16 May 2024 ordinary Council meeting, Council resolved to:

1. Publicly exhibit the draft Procurement Policy for a period of not less than 28 days including the addition of the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Code of Conduct in the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Policies, procedures, strategies, codes section of the draft Procurement Policy.

2. Note that a further report will be tabled at the July 2024 meeting of Council, detailing the submissions received from the public during the exhibition period.

The Procurement Policy is a key document of our Procurement Framework. A summary of this frameworks is as follows:

  • Procurement Strategy - This document is under review.
  • Procurement Policy
  • Procurement Rules
  • Procurement Procedures / workflows
  • Procurement Guidance documents, and
  • Procurement tools and templates.

The draft Procurement Policy is designed to streamline and enhance our procurement practices while ensuring transparency, fairness, and accountability in all our procurement opportunities.

Key principles embedded within this policy include:

Principle 1: Be fair and ethical
Principle 2: Make it easy
Principle 3: Achieve best value
Principle 4: Collaborate for better outcomes, and
Principle 5: Promote strong governance

Have Your Say

You can provide your feedback on the Draft Procurement Policy by:

  • Completing the online survey; or
  • Emailing your feedback to council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au; or
  • Posting to:
    Chief Executive Officer
    Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
    PO Box 84
    Port Macquarie NSW 2444

All submissions must be received by close of business Tuesday 18 June 2024.

  • Submissions close Tuesday 18 June 2024

    Writing a submission is one way of sharing your views and opinions with Council. All submissions are considered before making a decision and your submission may be included in a report to Council. 

    Note: Information collected via submissions and petitions is public information, this information may form part of Council reports or made public in their entirety subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 or the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). You may request, in writing, that Council suppress the personal information in your submission from public release, if you consider that the personal safety of any person would be affected if the information was not suppressed Any such request will be dealt with in accordance with the GIPA Act and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. 

    Consultation has concluded
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