Draft Sustainability Policy and Draft Climate Change Response Policy
Consultation has concluded
Consultation completed
Council’s Sustainability Framework
Council is currently developing a Sustainability Framework which is designed to create a culture of sustainable practice in our organisation that will help us address significant future challenges, such as climate change and ensure accountability for sustainable outcomes.
The Sustainability Framework sits at the highest level in Council’s Strategic Planning to ensure that sustainability is considered in all Council strategies and action plans.
Council takes a quadruple-bottom line approach to sustainability and recognises that a balance must be achieved between the four areas of Sustainability as shown in the diagram below:
Sustainability refers to a continual way of thinking that focuses on the best outcomes for people, environment and the economy both now and in the future all within the framework of transparent and accountable leadership and decision-making.
Draft Sustainability Policy
A key element of the Sustainability Framework is Council’s commitment to Sustainability which is described in Council’s Sustainability Policy which has now been drafted in collaboration with Council’s Sustainability Advisory Sub-Committee.
The draft Sustainability Policy:
- Includes a proposed definition of sustainability;
- Identifies the role of the Sustainability Framework in Council’s operations and the roles and responsibilities of Councillors and Council staff;
- Defines the four Sustainability Pillars which address the Quadruple Bottom Line elements of sustainability;
- Outlines the Principles Council will follow in its planning and day-to-day operations
Draft Climate Change Response Policy
At the March 17 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to declare a Climate Emergency. The Climate Change Response Policy, which has been drafted in collaboration with Council’s Sustainability Advisory Sub-Committee, is the first in a range of actions that Council will take to develop a comprehensive and integrated response to climate change.
The draft Climate Change Response Policy articulates Council’s commitment to respond to climate change through meaningful actions that:
- Reduce Council’s greenhouse gas emissions;
- Facilitate and support an LGA-wide reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and;
- Help Council and the community adapt to the projected impacts of climate change.
We are looking for your feedback on the draft Policies
You are invited to review the draft Sustainability Policy and draft Climate Change Response Policy and provide your feedback. There are a number of ways you can have your say:
- Take our survey to provide any feedback you may have relating to the draft Policies
- Make a submission by:
- Emailing council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au
- Writing to The Chief Executive Officer, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
The draft Policies are on public exhibition for 28 days from Thursday 5 August to Wednesday 1 September.
Next Steps
Following the public exhibition period, we will review and consider community feedback before finalising the Policies. A summary of the survey responses and all submissions received will be reported to a Council meeting for consideration prior to the draft Policies being finalised and reported to Council.