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At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 Feb 2025, Council resolved to put the Draft Wastewater Services Policy on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
The Draft Wastewater Services Policy provides a legislative and consistent framework for the provision of wastewater services across the Local Government Area (LGA).
This was a new Policy adopted by Council in July 2024 and has since been updated to ensure consistency with the implemented design and construction specifications and Water Management Act approvals process. The use of these specifications and updated approvals process has cross references to and direction requirements from Council policies.
Summary of amendments:
Please note: This Policy is now presented in the updated Council Policy format, which has altered the numbering of sections etc. from the previously adopted Policy.
A detail summary of amendments can be viewed here and below is an overview:
Previous: Manhole alterations require Water Supply Authority Approval, works by accredited Civil Contractor at developer's expense.
New: Works are at owner's expense, Council can provide a quote or works can be done by an accredited Civil Contractor under Water Supply Authority Approval.
Section 11.2, pages 12 and 13: Water Supply Authority Approval for Works
Previous: S306 NoR (Notice of Requirements) is the initial application, requiring Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for Construction Plans before work begins.
New: Same process for S306 NoR and LoA, but adds that acceptance by Community Utilities doesn't imply design quality assurance or full compliance with all relevant requirements.
Section 11.9, page 14: Easements for Wastewater Mains
Previous: 150mm wastewater mains must be centrally located in a 2.5m easement in residential areas; larger mains confirmed by Council.
New: 150mm mains must be centrally located in a minimum 2.5m easement for privately owned land/subdivisions, with registration of land. A Registered Surveyor must certify location, and construction of structures within the easement is allowed with protection measures.
Section 11.16, page 15: In-ground Swimming Pools
New section added for in-ground swimming pools:
If in the zone of influence of a sewer main, pool must be self-supporting with foundations below the zone.
A minimum 1.5m horizontal clearance required between pool and any maintenance structure.
Minimum 1m horizontal clearance from pool coping to face of sewer main.
Have Your Say
You can provide your feedback on the Draft Waste Services Policy by:
Posting to: Chief Executive Officer Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444
All submissions must be received by midnight Sunday 30 March 2025.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 Feb 2025, Council resolved to put the Draft Wastewater Services Policy on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
The Draft Wastewater Services Policy provides a legislative and consistent framework for the provision of wastewater services across the Local Government Area (LGA).
This was a new Policy adopted by Council in July 2024 and has since been updated to ensure consistency with the implemented design and construction specifications and Water Management Act approvals process. The use of these specifications and updated approvals process has cross references to and direction requirements from Council policies.
Summary of amendments:
Please note: This Policy is now presented in the updated Council Policy format, which has altered the numbering of sections etc. from the previously adopted Policy.
A detail summary of amendments can be viewed here and below is an overview:
Previous: Manhole alterations require Water Supply Authority Approval, works by accredited Civil Contractor at developer's expense.
New: Works are at owner's expense, Council can provide a quote or works can be done by an accredited Civil Contractor under Water Supply Authority Approval.
Section 11.2, pages 12 and 13: Water Supply Authority Approval for Works
Previous: S306 NoR (Notice of Requirements) is the initial application, requiring Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for Construction Plans before work begins.
New: Same process for S306 NoR and LoA, but adds that acceptance by Community Utilities doesn't imply design quality assurance or full compliance with all relevant requirements.
Section 11.9, page 14: Easements for Wastewater Mains
Previous: 150mm wastewater mains must be centrally located in a 2.5m easement in residential areas; larger mains confirmed by Council.
New: 150mm mains must be centrally located in a minimum 2.5m easement for privately owned land/subdivisions, with registration of land. A Registered Surveyor must certify location, and construction of structures within the easement is allowed with protection measures.
Section 11.16, page 15: In-ground Swimming Pools
New section added for in-ground swimming pools:
If in the zone of influence of a sewer main, pool must be self-supporting with foundations below the zone.
A minimum 1.5m horizontal clearance required between pool and any maintenance structure.
Minimum 1m horizontal clearance from pool coping to face of sewer main.
Have Your Say
You can provide your feedback on the Draft Waste Services Policy by:
Draft Wastewater Services Policy has finished this stage
That Council:
1. Adopt the draft Wastewater Services Policy for public exhibition for a period of not less than 28 days.
2. Note that a further report will be tabled at the May 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting, detailing the submissions received from the public during the exhibition period.
Monday 3 March 2025
Draft Wastewater Services Policy is currently at this stage
Draft Wastewater Services Policy - Public Exhibition period opens.
Sunday 30 March 2025
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Wastewater Services Policy
Draft Wastewater Services Policy - Public Exhibition period closes.