Health & Education Precinct Master Plan
Consultation has concluded
The Health & Education Precinct (HEP) is a key part of Port Macquarie’s future growth. The aim is to transform the precinct into to a centre of excellence for education, training and health. The precinct will help position Port Macquarie as an increasingly competitive destination for university students, health care professionals and the broader community. Key to success is encouraging appropriate development that will support and foster a range of learning models and health-related services within an accessible, high amenity,attractive public realm.
Planning for the future of the HEP is part of Council’s wider vision for a thriving regional city and a strategic focus for Council. The growth of the health and education sectors presents an opportunity to increase the number of young people in the community; provide economic diversification; increase labour force participation and build on Port Macquarie’s growing status as a regional city. The Port Macquarie region is experiencing strong growth with the population expected to reach 100,000 in the near future. There is also a predicted 9.3% growth in the local health sector. The Education, Health Careand Social Assistance sectors are projected to have the highest rate of jobs growth for the Mid North Coast to 2022.
The HEP precinct is home to the Port Macquarie Base Hospital, Charles Sturt University, the Shared Health, Research and Education Campus (SHREC), CSU, University of NSW Rural Medical School, and University of Newcastle, St Columba Anglican School, and the Lake Innes Shopping Village.
Council commenced work on the development of the Health and Education Precinct Masterplan in April 2018. Architectus was engaged to partner with Council to manage the project. The project comprised an Enquiry by Design (EBD) and Master Plan process for Port Macquarie’s Health and Education Precinct (HEP).
The site
The study area is generally bounded by John Oxley Drive to the west, Lake Road to the north, the industrial area and Lake Innes Nature Reserve to the east, and the southern boundary of St Columba Anglican School. It excludes residential properties between John Oxley Drive and Major Innes Road, and it takes in some additional areas between John Oxley Drive and Oxley Highway; and around Merrigal Road.
The Master Plan
Through the comprehensive enquiry by design that was supported by key players with in the precinct the big key moves the master plan proposes:
· a new pedestrian spine through the precinct
· a new bus loop around the precinct
· two new road connections into the precinct
· a balance of facilities, services and activities in the precinct
· a green, healthy, vibrant identity for the precinct.
Council is now seeking the community's feedback on the draft Health & Education Precinct Master Plan.
The draft Master Plan, and draft Master Plan posters are available in the Document Library (to the right).
To share your views on the draft Master Plan, use the Submission tab below.
For more information contact Lucilla Marshall on (02) 6581 8111
Submissions close on Thursday 21 February, 2019.
Community Pop-Ups at Lake Innes Village - February 2019
You are invited to discuss the Draft Master Plan for the Health & Education Precinct with Council staff.
Where: Outside Coles at the Lake Innes Village Shopping Centre
When: 5th February 9-11am
7th February 3-5pm
We look forward to seeing you there.