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Consultation has concluded
The new outdoor fitness equipment at Innes Lake is already proving to be a hit with the community! 🌳 Featuring a mix of dynamic and static equipment, it’s designed to suit all fitness levels and abilities.
Have your say on the proposed installation of outdoor fitness equipment at Innes Lake Park. This equipment is in addition to the current play equipment that is installed here.
We know how much locals love to use the space as it currently is, but we have also heard requests throughout our community to install more outdoor fitness equipment.
We anticipate that the current local play space will become activated by a boarder age demographic with the installation of the outdoor fitness equipment.
Once installed, this park will be one of only a few spaces that feature the much-requested dynamic outdoor fitness equipment, as shown in the diagram.
The new outdoor fitness equipment at Innes Lake is already proving to be a hit with the community! 🌳 Featuring a mix of dynamic and static equipment, it’s designed to suit all fitness levels and abilities.
Have your say on the proposed installation of outdoor fitness equipment at Innes Lake Park. This equipment is in addition to the current play equipment that is installed here.
We know how much locals love to use the space as it currently is, but we have also heard requests throughout our community to install more outdoor fitness equipment.
We anticipate that the current local play space will become activated by a boarder age demographic with the installation of the outdoor fitness equipment.
Once installed, this park will be one of only a few spaces that feature the much-requested dynamic outdoor fitness equipment, as shown in the diagram.
As a valued member of the community, we would like to hear from you.
This survey closes at 5pm on Tuesday 27 February 2024.
Note: Information collected via submissions and petitions is public information, this information may form part of Council reports or made public in their entirety subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 or the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). You may request, in writing, that Council suppress the personal information in your submission from public release, if you consider that the personal safety of any person would be affected if the information was not suppressed Any such request will be dealt with in accordance with the GIPA Act and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
Consultation has concluded
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Project timeline
Feedback Open
Innes Lake Park Fitness Equipment has finished this stage
Tuesday 30 January 2024
Feedback Closed
Innes Lake Park Fitness Equipment has finished this stage
Tuesday 27 February 2024
Construction Commenced
Innes Lake Park Fitness Equipment has finished this stage
October 2024
Construction Complete
Innes Lake Park Fitness Equipment is currently at this stage