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Consultation has concluded
In accordance with the NSW Office of Local Government Investment Policy Guidelines, a review of Council’s Investment Policy should be conducted on an annual basis.
As part of the annual review, the management of Council conducted the following:
1. Performed a significant review of internal procedures;
2. Engaged independent investment advisors ‘Imperium Markets’ (it is noted that the advisors do not receive broker fees for investments placed);
3. Acquired an Investment Portfolio management tool;
4. Reviewed the Investment Policy.
The review of the investment policy has resulted in a number of changes, the more significant ones summarised as follows:
The following sections have been added: ‘Funds for Investment’, ‘Legislative Authority for Investments’, ‘Investment Governance’, ‘Breaches of Criteria’;
The following components have been included in the mandatory investment criteria: ‘scope’, ‘currency’, ‘ownership’, ‘term / maturity’;
The performance management section has been expanded to provide more information and guidance;
Investment authorisation requirements and detail of responsibilities attached to individual staff have been removed as they relate to strategy rather than policy matters;
The short-term credit rating approval category has been added with S&P rating descriptions removed;
The minimum portfolio exposure requirement has been removed;
Portfolio exposure: changed A rating to 60% (from 55%) and BBB rating to 30% (from 15%);
Institutional exposure: changed AAA rating to 40% (from 45%), AA rating to 30% (from 40%) and A rating to 20% (from 15%);
Maturity requirement: changed 3 to 5 years from 30% to 40% (and to 5.5 years);
Maturity requirement: changed 5 years and greater from 15% to 20% (and to 5.5. years);
Inclusion of Floating Rate Notes as an investment option.
In relation to risk management framework criteria, Council management performed a benchmarking exercise of these criteria against a number of other councils to ensure that the proposed framework is consistent with industry standards. No significant outliers were noted.
Council is now seeking feedback from the community on the revised draft Investment Policy which can be viewed in the Document Library to the right of this window.
To share your views about amendments to the policies, use the Submission tab below.
For more information contact Nicole Spencer on (02) 6581 8111
In accordance with the NSW Office of Local Government Investment Policy Guidelines, a review of Council’s Investment Policy should be conducted on an annual basis.
As part of the annual review, the management of Council conducted the following:
1. Performed a significant review of internal procedures;
2. Engaged independent investment advisors ‘Imperium Markets’ (it is noted that the advisors do not receive broker fees for investments placed);
3. Acquired an Investment Portfolio management tool;
4. Reviewed the Investment Policy.
The review of the investment policy has resulted in a number of changes, the more significant ones summarised as follows:
The following sections have been added: ‘Funds for Investment’, ‘Legislative Authority for Investments’, ‘Investment Governance’, ‘Breaches of Criteria’;
The following components have been included in the mandatory investment criteria: ‘scope’, ‘currency’, ‘ownership’, ‘term / maturity’;
The performance management section has been expanded to provide more information and guidance;
Investment authorisation requirements and detail of responsibilities attached to individual staff have been removed as they relate to strategy rather than policy matters;
The short-term credit rating approval category has been added with S&P rating descriptions removed;
The minimum portfolio exposure requirement has been removed;
Portfolio exposure: changed A rating to 60% (from 55%) and BBB rating to 30% (from 15%);
Institutional exposure: changed AAA rating to 40% (from 45%), AA rating to 30% (from 40%) and A rating to 20% (from 15%);
Maturity requirement: changed 3 to 5 years from 30% to 40% (and to 5.5 years);
Maturity requirement: changed 5 years and greater from 15% to 20% (and to 5.5. years);
Inclusion of Floating Rate Notes as an investment option.
In relation to risk management framework criteria, Council management performed a benchmarking exercise of these criteria against a number of other councils to ensure that the proposed framework is consistent with industry standards. No significant outliers were noted.
Council is now seeking feedback from the community on the revised draft Investment Policy which can be viewed in the Document Library to the right of this window.
To share your views about amendments to the policies, use the Submission tab below.
For more information contact Nicole Spencer on (02) 6581 8111
Draft Investment Policy 2019 is currently at this stage
The Policy is on exhibition from 19 December 2018.
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Investment Policy 2019
The exhibition period closes on January 29, 2018 and submissions can no longer be made.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Investment Policy 2019
Submissions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Draft Investment Policy 2019
review of submissions, a report will be presented to the Councillors at an
upcoming Council meeting. This will include a summary of all submissions
collected and recommendations for Council resolutions.
Ways to Have Your Say
To share your views about this policy, use the Submission tab (see left), send an email to or post your response to:
The General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444