Kendall Main Street Master Plan

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This consultation has now concluded.

Kendall is an idyllic, much loved town with a vibrant residential population as well as significant visitors each year. The town and community maintain a strong sense of civic pride, a creative culture and long standing historical ties to the cultural heritage of the area.

Council has been successful in receiving funding to develop a Master Plan for the Kendall Main Street.

Traffic management, car parking, pedestrian circulation and general urban amenity is poorly defined in this area. There are a number of land uses and constraints that contribute to a complex environment including intersecting roads, railway line level crossing, tennis courts and reserves, War Memorial Hall, Henry Kendall sculpture, the Kendall Services and Citizen Club, Miss Nellie's cafe, community op-shop, swimming pool, skate park and broad expanses of pavement for informal parking.

The plan focuses specifically on upgrades to four precincts within the town centre including River St, Graham St and Comboyne St, the Village Green, bus stop precinct and areas surrounding the Kendall Community Op Shop.

Key upgrades proposed include improvements to road safety and parking, streetscape beautifications, pedestrian accessibility upgrades and works to preserve Kendall’s rich local heritage.

The draft plan is availalble now for viewing from the document library located to the right of your screen (or below on mobile devices).

To share your views about the draft plan, use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:


Post: The General Manager
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Further details may be obtained by contacting John Hanlon, Senior Transport Engineer on (02) 6581 8111 or by email at

Submissions close 27 November 2017

Kendall is an idyllic, much loved town with a vibrant residential population as well as significant visitors each year. The town and community maintain a strong sense of civic pride, a creative culture and long standing historical ties to the cultural heritage of the area.

Council has been successful in receiving funding to develop a Master Plan for the Kendall Main Street.

Traffic management, car parking, pedestrian circulation and general urban amenity is poorly defined in this area. There are a number of land uses and constraints that contribute to a complex environment including intersecting roads, railway line level crossing, tennis courts and reserves, War Memorial Hall, Henry Kendall sculpture, the Kendall Services and Citizen Club, Miss Nellie's cafe, community op-shop, swimming pool, skate park and broad expanses of pavement for informal parking.

The plan focuses specifically on upgrades to four precincts within the town centre including River St, Graham St and Comboyne St, the Village Green, bus stop precinct and areas surrounding the Kendall Community Op Shop.

Key upgrades proposed include improvements to road safety and parking, streetscape beautifications, pedestrian accessibility upgrades and works to preserve Kendall’s rich local heritage.

The draft plan is availalble now for viewing from the document library located to the right of your screen (or below on mobile devices).

To share your views about the draft plan, use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to:


Post: The General Manager
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Further details may be obtained by contacting John Hanlon, Senior Transport Engineer on (02) 6581 8111 or by email at

Submissions close 27 November 2017

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Writing a submission is one way of sharing your views and opinions with Council. All submissions are considered before making a decision and your submission will be included in a report to Council. Submissions close 27 November 2017.

    Note: Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to request this in writing. 

    This consultation has now concluded.
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