North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study

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Consultation has concluded


Since early 2017, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has been working with specialist consultants, Jacobs Group Australia (Jacob's) to undertake the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study, the Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Floodplain Risk Management Plan project. The focus of the project is to:

  • understand the behaviour of local catchment flash flooding from North Brother Mountain and the flood risk that it poses to the community; and,
  • identify and develop measures to manage the impact of flooding and guide strategic planning for future development of the area.

The study covers the villages of Laurieton, West Haven, Lakewood, Kew and Deauville at the Base of the North Brother Mountain, as shown below:

Following the adoption of the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study by Council at the 17 July 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council has entered Phase 2 of this ongoing project, which is the completion of the Floodplain Risk Management Study (FRMS) and the Floodplain Risk Management Plan (FRMP).

Phase 2 of the project has the following aims.

  1. Identify, assess and evaluate management options for the floodplain in respect of both existing and proposed developments (FRMS), and
  2. Adopt a plan of management for the flood risks identified (FRMP).M/li>

Options developed for flood risk management will include a mix of both structural (i.e. upgraded infrastructure) and non-structural (i.e. planning controls, policy and management) measures.

The North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study (Draft Options Assessment Report) outlines four high risk priority areas for mitigation works within the catchment and the initially identified remedial works options at each location, including results of the hydraulic assessments undertaken for those areas. These initial options and locations have been identified by Council, and the Coast, Estuary and Floodplain Advisory Committee based on the risks identified by the Flood Study Phase and preliminary analysis undertaken by Jacobs. The results of the optioneering process and associated testing is now being used as the basis for consultation with stakeholders and ultimately to feed into the Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Floodplain Risk Management Study Plan.

This report also investigates non-structural options for managing the flood risk, as summarised below.

  • Voluntary purchase of identified High Hazard Properties.
  • Updating Council’s LEP 2011 to include The North Brother Local Catchments Flood Mapping.
  • Updating Section 10.7 Zoning Certificates to include notation regarding flood hazard identified by the Flood Study phase of this project.
  • Updating Council’s Flood Policy to include reference to the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study and provisions relating to overland flooding.
  • Installation of flood depth signage within the catchment.
  • Development of a flood education program for the catchment.
  • Consultation with high flood risk facilities and occupants of dwellings subject to high flood hazard regarding management of flood risk on the site.

Public Exhibition Period

Council is seeking your feedback on the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study (Draft Options Assessment Report) prior to developing the Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Floodplain Risk Management Plan. Your feedback forms an integral part of the development of these documents.

We invite you to complete the following questionnaire, which highlights key points from the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study (Draft Options Assessment Report). Other comments or questions are also welcome.

If you have any queries prior to that time or would like to request an individual meeting, you are invited to contact Council’s Senior Stormwater Engineer, Mark Edenborough to discuss in further detail:

Phone: 02 (02) 6581 8111


Since early 2017, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has been working with specialist consultants, Jacobs Group Australia (Jacob's) to undertake the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study, the Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Floodplain Risk Management Plan project. The focus of the project is to:

  • understand the behaviour of local catchment flash flooding from North Brother Mountain and the flood risk that it poses to the community; and,
  • identify and develop measures to manage the impact of flooding and guide strategic planning for future development of the area.

The study covers the villages of Laurieton, West Haven, Lakewood, Kew and Deauville at the Base of the North Brother Mountain, as shown below:

Following the adoption of the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study by Council at the 17 July 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council has entered Phase 2 of this ongoing project, which is the completion of the Floodplain Risk Management Study (FRMS) and the Floodplain Risk Management Plan (FRMP).

Phase 2 of the project has the following aims.

  1. Identify, assess and evaluate management options for the floodplain in respect of both existing and proposed developments (FRMS), and
  2. Adopt a plan of management for the flood risks identified (FRMP).M/li>

Options developed for flood risk management will include a mix of both structural (i.e. upgraded infrastructure) and non-structural (i.e. planning controls, policy and management) measures.

The North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study (Draft Options Assessment Report) outlines four high risk priority areas for mitigation works within the catchment and the initially identified remedial works options at each location, including results of the hydraulic assessments undertaken for those areas. These initial options and locations have been identified by Council, and the Coast, Estuary and Floodplain Advisory Committee based on the risks identified by the Flood Study Phase and preliminary analysis undertaken by Jacobs. The results of the optioneering process and associated testing is now being used as the basis for consultation with stakeholders and ultimately to feed into the Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Floodplain Risk Management Study Plan.

This report also investigates non-structural options for managing the flood risk, as summarised below.

  • Voluntary purchase of identified High Hazard Properties.
  • Updating Council’s LEP 2011 to include The North Brother Local Catchments Flood Mapping.
  • Updating Section 10.7 Zoning Certificates to include notation regarding flood hazard identified by the Flood Study phase of this project.
  • Updating Council’s Flood Policy to include reference to the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study and provisions relating to overland flooding.
  • Installation of flood depth signage within the catchment.
  • Development of a flood education program for the catchment.
  • Consultation with high flood risk facilities and occupants of dwellings subject to high flood hazard regarding management of flood risk on the site.

Public Exhibition Period

Council is seeking your feedback on the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study (Draft Options Assessment Report) prior to developing the Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Floodplain Risk Management Plan. Your feedback forms an integral part of the development of these documents.

We invite you to complete the following questionnaire, which highlights key points from the North Brother Local Catchments Flood Study (Draft Options Assessment Report). Other comments or questions are also welcome.

If you have any queries prior to that time or would like to request an individual meeting, you are invited to contact Council’s Senior Stormwater Engineer, Mark Edenborough to discuss in further detail:

Phone: 02 (02) 6581 8111

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Writing a submission is one way of sharing your views and opinions with Council. All submissions are considered before making a decision and your submission will be included in a report to Council. Submissions close 30 June 2019.

    Note: Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to request this in writing. 

    Consultation has concluded
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