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Consultation has concluded
Council has funding available to install a fish cleaning table for the North Shore community. This project was identified as a project during meetings for the North Shore Community Plan (in development). An onsite meeting was held on Thursday 15 October with members of the North Shore Council-Community Action Team.
We are seeking community feedback as to the most suitable location for a fishing table which will consist of a fishing table on a concrete pad.
As there is currently no potable water supply to the North Shore, Council is currently reviewing opportunities for water supply to the fish cleaning table. The fishing table can relocated in the future.
The existing boat ramp beside the Settlement Point ferry has not been selected as a potential site as this ramp is not intended for launching/retrieval of boats by the public as this poses a safety risk and conflicts with queuing ferry traffic.
Option 1
co-located with existing informal boat ramp, across the channel
may be visually intrusive to properties across the road
river water typically turbid and may not be suitable for cleaning fish
Option 2
co-located with existing informal boat ramp
may be visually intrusive to properties across the road or adjacent property
river water typically turbid and may not be suitable for cleaning fish
Option 3
located near recreational fishing area
potential site for future boat ramp (Note: relocation/upgrade of the existing boat ramp is not a current priority for Council; investigation into relocation/upgrade of the boat ramp will be initiated if prioritised as a project by the North Shore community.)
not visually intrusive to neighbouring properties
use may be potentially lower than Options 1 & 2
Council will be receiving feedback for consideration until Sunday 6 December 2020.
You can make a submission by:-
Completing the Survey or pinning a comment on our map below
Posting your feedback to: PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
The North Shore Fish Cleaning Table project received $30,000 funding from the Australian Government through the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Grant.
Council has funding available to install a fish cleaning table for the North Shore community. This project was identified as a project during meetings for the North Shore Community Plan (in development). An onsite meeting was held on Thursday 15 October with members of the North Shore Council-Community Action Team.
We are seeking community feedback as to the most suitable location for a fishing table which will consist of a fishing table on a concrete pad.
As there is currently no potable water supply to the North Shore, Council is currently reviewing opportunities for water supply to the fish cleaning table. The fishing table can relocated in the future.
The existing boat ramp beside the Settlement Point ferry has not been selected as a potential site as this ramp is not intended for launching/retrieval of boats by the public as this poses a safety risk and conflicts with queuing ferry traffic.
Option 1
co-located with existing informal boat ramp, across the channel
may be visually intrusive to properties across the road
river water typically turbid and may not be suitable for cleaning fish
Option 2
co-located with existing informal boat ramp
may be visually intrusive to properties across the road or adjacent property
river water typically turbid and may not be suitable for cleaning fish
Option 3
located near recreational fishing area
potential site for future boat ramp (Note: relocation/upgrade of the existing boat ramp is not a current priority for Council; investigation into relocation/upgrade of the boat ramp will be initiated if prioritised as a project by the North Shore community.)
not visually intrusive to neighbouring properties
use may be potentially lower than Options 1 & 2
Council will be receiving feedback for consideration until Sunday 6 December 2020.
You can make a submission by:-
Completing the Survey or pinning a comment on our map below
Posting your feedback to: PO Box 84, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
The North Shore Fish Cleaning Table project received $30,000 funding from the Australian Government through the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Grant.