Creating one 'Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy'
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Consultation has concluded
The old policy 'Backdating of Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy' is being rescinded because it is out of date and the content is covered in the newer 'Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy' adopted at the Ordinary Council meeting on 20 May 2015.
During a recent review of Council-wide policies, it was discovered that the old policy relating to pensioner concession rebates had never been formally rescinded, despite being replaced by the 2015 revised policy.
Before making a policy obsolete it needs to be placed on exhibition. This is an administrative process only and will not alter the current policy or change the way Council manages pensioner concession rebates in any way.
You can have a look at both of these policies (located in the document Library on the right):
The original '2010 Backdating of Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy'.
The newer '2015 Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy'.
To share your views about rescinding the old policy use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to: The General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Email
For more information contact Monika Bretmaisser on (02) 6581 8111
The old policy 'Backdating of Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy' is being rescinded because it is out of date and the content is covered in the newer 'Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy' adopted at the Ordinary Council meeting on 20 May 2015.
During a recent review of Council-wide policies, it was discovered that the old policy relating to pensioner concession rebates had never been formally rescinded, despite being replaced by the 2015 revised policy.
Before making a policy obsolete it needs to be placed on exhibition. This is an administrative process only and will not alter the current policy or change the way Council manages pensioner concession rebates in any way.
You can have a look at both of these policies (located in the document Library on the right):
The original '2010 Backdating of Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy'.
The newer '2015 Pensioner Concession Rebates Policy'.
To share your views about rescinding the old policy use the Submission tab below or send an email or post your response to: The General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council PO Box 84 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Email
For more information contact Monika Bretmaisser on (02) 6581 8111
Writing a
submission is one way of sharing your views and opinions with Council. All
submissions are considered before making a decision and your submission may be
included in a report to Council. Submissions close 24 February 2017.
Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you
wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to
request this in writing.
Consultation has concluded
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