Next steps

A report on these submissions was scheduled to be presented to the June Ordinary Council meeting, however it will now be deferred until the October meeting following a decision by Council to gauge the importance of climate change response by Council within an upcoming community-wide survey.

This Micromex Community Satisfaction Survey will survey about 600 randomly selected, demographically represented residents on a range of topics, giving the community further opportunity to provide feedback on climate change - and where they value it in the broader context of Council’s functions.There will also be an online version that all the community can participate in.

It is important that we hear directly from residents, and that’s what this survey will allow us to do. We value every single person’s opinion on what we are doing well, and areas for improvement. 

The results of the survey will provide us with even more representative feedback, enabling us to make better decisions on behalf of our community.

Council expects to report on both the Micromex Community Satisfaction Survey, as well as the community engagement feedback from proposed Climate Change Response Policy rescission motion, at the October Ordinary Council meeting.

We will continue to keep you up to date and will send an email before the the October Council meeting so you can attend or watch the decision live.

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This consultation has now concluded.

A further report will be tabled at the October 2022 Council meeting, detailing the submissions received from the public during the exhibition period, for Council to consider the proposal to rescind the Policy.

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