Proposed fee for Bricks and Concrete

At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 Feb 2025, Council resolved to put the proposed fee of $100 (GST inclusive) per tonne for Bricks / Concrete on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days for receipt of this material at the Cairncross Waste Management Facility.
At the June 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, as part of the adoption of the annual Fees and Charges, the fee for Bricks / Concrete was removed following asbestos contamination issues and volumes stored above Environment Protection Licence (EPL) allowable limits at the Cairncross Waste Management Facility. These materials have since been charged as Mixed Solid Waste, a charge of $275.50 / tonne (GST inclusive) as they have needed to be directed to landfill. Up until July 2024, Bricks / Concrete were charged at $30 / tonne GST inclusive per the adopted 2023/24 Fees and Charges.
Operational arrangements are currently progressing in order to divert contaminated Concrete, Bricks and Tiles (CBT) to landfill, and to improve controls to screen for asbestos contamination and management of stockpiles in future.
With these operational arrangements coming into effect, in order to ensure cost recovery and to align with the strategic objectives outlined in the adopted Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2024 - 2034, a new rate has been proposed for acceptance of Bricks / Concrete.
Proposed fee change
A fee of $100.00 (GST inclusive) per tonne for Bricks / Concrete is proposed.
This will ensure operational costs to process and provide the service are covered. It shall also support ensuring that Council may remain within its annual EPL allowable storage limits by reducing out of area waste being disposed of at the Cairncross WMF. The proposed charge aligns with the lowest available disposal charge for the material on the Mid North Coast.
The charge was developed through understanding of the costs attributed to the stockpiling and processing of concrete products, also understanding the risks associated with this product and ensuring sufficient funds are available to provide for necessary equipment acquisition and renewal to provide a compliant safe product.
The proposed charge covers the facility provision and processing and handling of materials. Processing and handling includes contract costs associated with crushing and transport/establishment, laboratory and testing costs for certification, staff and machinery costs for material receipt and management, machinery ownership costs and provision for costs associated with landfilling of non-compliant materials including the inability to recover the Waste Levy in such instances. Further the charge considers the relatively low income that Council receives for the sale of the product historically.
Important note
- Loads containing Tiles will continue to be diverted to landfill due to the high likelihood of contamination and charged at the applicable Mixed Solid Waste fee.
- Absolutely clean roof tiles and unused tiles may be accepted at the Bricks / Concrete charge at a future date as determined by the Waste Operations Section, should operational practices enable the acceptance of this material at negligible contamination risk to Council.
Next steps
- Place the proposed fee of $100.00 (GST inclusive) per tonne for Bricks / Concrete on public exhibition for 28 days.
- A report will be presented to the April 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting outlining feedback received on the proposed fee during the public exhibition period.
Have Your Say
You can provide your feedback on the proposed fee change by:
- completing the feedback form below.
- emailing; or
- posting to:
Chief Executive Officer
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
All submissions must be received by close of business on Thursday 27 March 2025.