Settlement Shores Canal Estate Maintenance
Consultation has concluded
We are seeking to undertake foreshore renourishment at Newport and Ballina Canals within the Settlement Shores Canal Estate via the reclamation of suitable sands via dredging within those canals.
During the 2019/20 financial year, we undertook a major dredging project within the Settlement Shores Estate. The works completed were driven by the outcomes of the 2016 Canal Maintenance Plan (CMP), produced by Royal Haskoning DHV (RHD) on behalf of Council. The work plan identified the need for dredging to be undertaken within the estate to provide sufficient depth for safe boat navigation. The project resulted in all the canals within the estate being dredged, and foreshore areas replenished, with the exception of the Newport and Ballina Canals.
These two canals were not dredged on the basis that:
- the channel bed within the two canals was already deeper than design; and
- financial limitations.
At that time stage, the foreshore replenishment undertaken did not result in the canals being restored to the ultimate design (or as constructed) levels. This was on the basis that the dredging operations did not source a sufficient quantity of sand to fill the canals to original levels. This prior project resulted in the canal foreshore areas being filled to a level and grade less than design, whilst also providing improved protection to the foreshore and revetment walls.
Following completion of the 2019/20 project, residents of the Newport and Ballina Canals highlighted the need for further foreshore renourishment works to be completed in those two canals on the basis that:
- foreshores had slumped/eroded over time and were in places up to 1m lower than design levels,
- foreshore slumping/erosion had led to instability and failure within some of the privately owned revetment walls, bordering the waterway,
- a number of private boating structures within the canal were failing as a consequence of foreshore erosion,
- there was a perceived lack of equality within the estate, whereby 8 of 10 canals received foreshore re-nourishment via dredging activities undertaken.
Council subsequently resolved to undertake additional dredging in the Newport and Ballina Canals as a means of restoring beach zones.
Following the completion of the required preliminary investigations in 2021 (Geotechnical Investigations and Hydrographic Survey), this project seeks to undertaken foreshore renourishment within the Newport and Ballina Canals within the Settlement Shores Canal Estate via the reclamation of suitable sands via dredging within those canals.
A works location plan for the current work is as shown below:
Figure 1 - Works Location Plan:
Project Benefits and aims
The overall aim of this project is to undertake dredging and foreshore nourishment works within the Ballina and Newport Canals.
In recognition of the fact that the preceding investigations (Hydrographic Survey and Geotechnical Investigations) identified that there is an insufficient volume of sand within these two canals to restore foreshore areas to the full original design profile, an amended design and scope of works has been developed to ‘over dredge; these two canals in order to source as much sand for foreshore nourishment as possible.
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