Sherwood Rezoning
Consultation has concluded
A Planning Proposal has been prepared for a proposed rezoning of three small cleared areas on the southern fringe of Lot 1 DP 1066820 and part of Lot 34 DP 856163 - Lincoln Road, Castle Court and Marian Drive, Port Macquarie - to permit future infill residential development and buffers to environmentally sensitive lands.
Lot 1 is privately owned land. Lot 34 is owned by Council.
The part of Lot 34 not intended for residential use is proposed to be rezoned to reflect its ongoing stormwater detention function.
Rural zoned areas on the remainder of Lot 1 are proposed to be rezoned to E2 Environmental Conservation and the landowner has offered to enter into a Planning Agreement with Council to dedicate the residue of Lot 1 (approx 30ha) as public reserve for environmental conservation.
Public Exhibition
The Planning Proposal and Planning Agreement are on public exhibition from 26 April to 14 June 2017.
During the exhibition, these documents and supporting information, including a Statement of Council's Interest in the proposal, are available in the Document Library (on the right) and at Council's offices.
Have Your Say
Written submissions in relation to the proposal are invited up until 5pm on 14 June 2017.
All submissions received will be reported to a meeting of Council before a final decision is made.
You can write a submission using the tab below, or send by post, or email to:
The General Manager
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
PO Box 84
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Note: Submissions and petitions are public information and may be made public. If you wish to have information in your submission suppressed, you will need to request this in writing.
Any queries
Contact Sandra Bush of Council's Strategic Land Use Planning team.