How does the flood study relate to property owners
The updated flood study models where water flows in heavy storms, how deep the water can become and how dangerous the flows might be. While property owners will be advised if their property will be subject to planning and development controls in relation to flooding, it is important for all residents to understand their flood risk and plan for flooding.
What is a flood study
A flood study is a comprehensive technical investigation of flood behaviour and flood hazards across the floodplain by providing information on the extent, level and velocity of floodwaters, including the distribution of flood flows considering a full range of flood events, up to the Probably Maximum Flood.
In general terms, flood studies are used for: land use planning; infrastructure planning and design; community preparedness and resilience and; emergency response.
They are an integral part of the flood risk management process, as they identify flood behaviour and characteristics, forming the basis for future flood related projects in the LGA in addition to planning, design, preparedeness and community respsonse.
How are flood maps created
Flood maps re created using data from historical flood events, rainfall records and computer models that simulate flood behaviour. These maps show areas likely to be affected by different flood scenarios and are used for planning and emergency management.
How are flood affected properties identified
Flood modelling determines the extent of riverine flooding through the study area. Council takes these extents and overlays them with our internal mapping system.
The public exhibition period is a way to advise affected property owners and residents. Council is also required to notate section 10.7 Planning Certificates that a property has been identified as flood prone.
What is a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood?
A 1% AEP flood represents a flood with a 1% chance of occurring in any year. This is a large, but rare flood. It was previously known as the 100-year recurrence flood.
What is a Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)?
The PMF is the largest flood that could possibly occur. It is a very rare and improbable flood. There have been some historical floods in Australia that have approached the magnitude of a PMF. If your property is impacted by the PMF, as shown on our flood maps, your property is classified as 'flood affected'. If your property is flood affected, development controls may apply to your property, to improve community resilience to flooding, and to reduce risk to life and the risk of property damage.
What does the flood study mean for my insurance premiums?
Questions regarding flood insurance terms, conditions and premiums are set by the insurance industry and should be directed to your insurance company.